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addOSGICompatibilityLayer() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Adds an OSGi compatibility layer to the EquoApp by starting Felix in a daemon thread.
APP_ID_SWITCH - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
APP_SUPPORT - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
APPDATA - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows
AppNameNotSpecifiedException - Exception in com.equo.application.client.exceptions
The AppNameNotSpecifiedException class represents an exception that is thrown when an application name is not specified.
AppNameNotSpecifiedException() - Constructor for exception com.equo.application.client.exceptions.AppNameNotSpecifiedException


CACHE - Enum constant in enum class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders.Dir
CACHE - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
cacheDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
Returns the path of the cache directory based on the rootConfig.
cacheDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
cacheDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
cacheDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows
cacheHome() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
Returns the path to the cache directory.
CACHES - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
CHROMIUM_ARGS - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
com.equo.application.client - package com.equo.application.client
com.equo.application.client.exceptions - package com.equo.application.client.exceptions
com.equo.application.client.os - package com.equo.application.client.os
CommonFolders - Class in com.equo.application.client.os
The CommonFolders class represents common directories and their paths in a file system.
CommonFolders() - Constructor for class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
CommonFolders.Dir - Enum Class in com.equo.application.client.os
Dir represents various types of directories.
CONFIG - Enum constant in enum class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders.Dir
CONFIG - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
configDir() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
Returns the path of the config directory based on the rootConfig.
configDir() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
configDir() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
configDir() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows
ConfigLocations - Class in com.equo.application.client
The ConfigLocations class manages the configuration directories for various purposes.
ConfigLocations() - Constructor for class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
create() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Creates and returns a new instance of the EquoApp class.
create(String) - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Creates and returns a new instance of the EquoApp class with the specified appName.


DATA - Enum constant in enum class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders.Dir
dataDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
Returns the path of the data directory based on the rootConfig.
dataDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
dataDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
dataDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows
dataHome() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
Returns the path to the data directory.


EQUO - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
EquoApp - Class in com.equo.application.client
EquoApp facilitates the easy creation of Chromium-based applications and their customization.


getAppName() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Gets the app name.
getDir() - Method in enum class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders.Dir
Returns the value of the enum instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
Returns an instance of a class based on the operating system being used.


isLinux() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.os.OS
Checks if the operating system is Linux.
isMacintosh() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.os.OS
Checks if the operating system is Macintosh.
isWindows() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.os.OS
Checks if the operating system is Windows.


launch() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Sets up a resource handler, try to load the index.html and launches the application.
launch(String) - Method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Launches the application with the given URI.
launch(URL) - Method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Launches the application with specified URL.
LIBRARY - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
Linux - Class in com.equo.application.client.os
The Linux class represents Linux-specific directories and their paths in the file system.
Linux() - Constructor for class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
LOCAL - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
LOCAL - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows
LOCALAPPDATA - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows


Mac - Class in com.equo.application.client.os
The Mac class represents Mac-specific directories and their paths in the file system.
Mac() - Constructor for class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac


NEW_TAB_URL_SWITCH - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp


OS - Class in com.equo.application.client.os
The OS class provides utility methods to determine the operating system type.
OS() - Constructor for class com.equo.application.client.os.OS
overrideCacheHome(Path) - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
Updates the directory path for the cache directory path.
overrideDataHome(Path) - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
Updates the directory path for the data directory path.
overrideRuntimeHome(Path) - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
Updates the directory path for the runtime directory path.
overrideStateHome(Path) - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
Updates the directory path for the state directory path.


RUN - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
RUNTIME - Enum constant in enum class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders.Dir
runtimeDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
Returns the path of the runtime directory based on the rootConfig.
runtimeDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
runtimeDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
runtimeDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows
runtimeHome() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
Returns the path to the runtime directory.


setAppName(String) - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Sets the app name.
setNewTabPageURL(String) - Method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Sets the URL of the new tab page for the chromium app.
SHARE - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
STATE - Enum constant in enum class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders.Dir
STATE - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
stateDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
Returns the path of the state directory based on the rootConfig.
stateDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
stateDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
stateDirHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows
stateHome() - Static method in class com.equo.application.client.ConfigLocations
Returns the path to the state directory.


TEMP - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Mac
TEMP - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows


userHome() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders
Returns the path of the user's home directory.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders.Dir
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.equo.application.client.os.CommonFolders.Dir
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


Windows - Class in com.equo.application.client.os
The Windows class represents Windows-specific directories and their paths in the file system.
Windows() - Constructor for class com.equo.application.client.os.Windows
withBrowserUI() - Method in class com.equo.application.client.EquoApp
Enable the browser UI in an EquoApp.


XDG_CACHE_HOME - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
XDG_DATA_HOME - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
XDG_STATE_HOME - Static variable in class com.equo.application.client.os.Linux
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form